Friday, 21 May 2010


It gazes at you,
It invites you,
Invites you to some dark ,
mystic places where many ghosts walks,
It spurs you to walk along,
But never accompanies you,
And leaves you with a lonesome hush!
Grave do I see,
Just another yard for a passer-by,
Time has come when,
All you have held close
shall seem to deprive you,

A day I see ,
When I say goodbye,
to this world's glories,
To those lakes, banks of rivers,
sailing boats, blooming flowers
natures wonders,
those adoring beauties,
awe! lost have I,
the youths Vigour

All ye fools that have,
held these faltering things,
too close to thy heart
shall feel thy souls churning

But all ye souls ,
that have been lurching
in divinity , shall see,
Glory in eternity.

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