Thursday, 25 December 2008


oh! my love long have,
our hearts longed to be one.
what fate is our's
ye, love flowers.

known have I your soul's bloom,
long have I tried to unviel your heart's mysteries.

oh! my love your rage can
reach a mugfull but never can it spill,
coz of the fullfilled mug of love,
that you have drunk heartfull.

oh yes! shes gone, My love
But long shall I keep that
Rose you placed in my heart.
Never shall any human lay
hands on it or dare pluck it.
oh! tearful desolate rose,
my heart's frost.

Sound of broken heart echoes,
like lone bird's we sat in my love
dreamy may's have we
been in my love, have we?

A mother's plea shall I see,
A father's concerns shood i look,
A sisters grief or world's envy,
or is it your helplessness my love,
that left me in despair.
Is this solitude that
great poet's write
as lover's plight.

Oh! my love shall we bid,
farewell to our soul's prayer,
lock our horns of love and
sink in the deepest ocean's.
For this too, must sink.
Is this what great poet's write
a lover's plight.

know not where you are my love,
But this disconsolate heart,
holds only one hope.

An incomplete poem by... kohil.v .kadakampally

1 comment:

Renjini said...

Its nice! Did you recently have a break up or so?